Thursday, April 30, 2009
Solve the porting UNICODE from VC6 to VS2008
Some MS functions i.e, GetPrivateProfileInt or GetCurrentDirectory, may fail to compile if porting from VC6 to VS2008. The reason is the VS2008 is using the UNICODE as default setting. The solution is by changing the system setting options from "Use Unicode Character Set" replacing with "Use Multi-Byte Character Set".
Thursday, April 23, 2009
How to import dialogs or resources from one project to another?
Assume you have two projects - Project1 and project2 and you want to copy one dialog from Project1 to Project2. Just follow the steps -
For Visual Studio 6.0
1) Load project2 workspace in visual studio.
2) Now Browse and load Project1’s rc file. While opening resource file, select “Open As” as “Resources”.
3) Now drag your required dialog from project1’s resource tree and drop it to your resource tree.
4) You’ve successfully copied dialog from one project to another!
For Visual Studio 2005 and siblings
1) Open your IDE without any solutions loaded.
2) open both RC files into the IDE.
3) Now take Project2 RC file, right click on the dialog you want to export and copy it.
4) Now take Project1 RC file, right click and paste.
5) You see, now the dialog is imported from project1 to Project2.
Well, special thanks to Mike and Alan for their contribution for the trick in Visual Studio 2005.
You could also edit the rc file in some text editor and can copy paste the dialog if you’re a geek.
Original link
Monday, April 20, 2009
- XP下載KB922120:連結層拓撲探索 (LLTD) 回應程式
- XP網路芳鄰點又見→內容→區域連線→右鍵內容→點安裝→通訊協定→NWLINK IPX/SPX NetBIOS 開頭的點下去安裝。
- 若有norton的internet security的話,一定要關掉防火牆。
- 在vista端使用管理者帳戶登入控制台->系統管理工具->本機安全性原則->本機原則->安全性選項->網路安全性:LanManagers驗證層級點進去後選擇"傳送LM和NTLM-如有交涉,使用NTLM v2工作階段安全性。
- 參考vista跟xp的網路芳鄰共用
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Speed Up Your Computer by Clearing System Memory
Monday, April 06, 2009
日本機器娃娃 能記憶母親表情