Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Image Process: Introduction to EmguCV-Part1

Image Process: Introduction to EmguCV-Part1: "Introduction of EmguCV Document: 為了將OpenCV的應用能廣至跨平台,以及能應用在自己撰寫的User interface 上面,所以翻譯EmguCV的技術文件。資料來源:"

Image Process: Introduction to cvBlobslib Library

Image Process: Introduction to cvBlobslib Library: "前言:  在影像處理中,為了找尋目標或是物件(Objects),Labeling 是最常用的方法,藉此得知目前影像中物件的數目、大小、位置..等等重要的參數。 在早期 Labeling的程式往往都需要自行撰寫,不管是用Recursive或者是二元樹搜尋法..."

Sunday, March 13, 2011

7gram Jumping Robot moving in Rough Terrain

Friday, March 11, 2011