Thursday, January 06, 2011

Integrate cvBlobsLib with OpenCV 2.2

The cvBlobsLib is developed for blob detection, and you need to compile to produce the "cvblobslib.lib". Then, it's a issue with Opencv2.2, if you attend to integrate the library with OpenCV 2.2. "libcmtd.lib" is conflicting with the Opencv2.2. The solution is:
  1. As figure 1, please ignore the specific library and put the "libcmtd.lib" on it.
  2. After that, the labelling function is working fine as the Figure 2 shown.


Unknown said...

I have a problem compiling de source of cvblobslib with OpenCV 2.2, can you compile it? A problem is with windows.h include.

Unknown said...

I am having the same problem. I am using VS2010