Robot hand-eye coordination based on stereo vision
This paper appears in: Control Systems Magazine, IEEEPublication Date: Feb 1995Volume: 15, Issue: 1On page(s): 30-39
AbstractThis article describes the theory and implementation of a system that positions a robot manipulator using visual information from two cameras. The system simultaneously tracks the robot end-effector and visual features used to define goal positions. An error signal based on the visual distance between the end-effector and the target is defined, and a control law that moves the robot to drive this error to zero is derived. The control law has been integrated into a system that performs tracking and stereo control on a single processor with no special-purpose hardware at real-time rates. Experiments with the system have shown that the controller is so robust to calibration error that the cameras can be moved several centimeters and rotated several degrees while the system is running with no adverse effects
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Abstract Full Text:
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Abstract Full Text:
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