
This blog is daily record about paper or research ME712-2 and EM330 done.
來自德國的研究人員日前表示,一種能適應不同地形的步行機器人(walking robot)將可協助科學家理解人類如何行走的奧秘,甚至在未來改善針對脊髓神經(spinal cord)和其它部位損傷的治療方法。
發明機器人的研究人員表示,過去這款名為RunBot的30公分高機器人只能在平地上行走,遇到斜坡就會跌倒;但自從採用了紅外線眼(infrared eye)之後,RunBot現在可以探測行進路線上的斜坡,並在4~5次嘗試之後調整自己的步伐克服坡度。
在學會爬坡之前,這個機器人總是不斷跌倒,但它每秒可邁出3~4步長,比普通人類每秒1.5~2.5的步長要快;參與RunBot設計的德 國Goettingen大學研究人員Florentin Woergoetter表示:「它會不斷反覆摸索學習,需要經過約4~5次的跌倒才能學會。」
Woergoetter在《Computational Biology》期刊上發表了自己的研究成果,並把RunBot的學習過程與學走路的幼兒進行比較。和人類一樣,RunBot在直立行走時身體會稍稍前傾,而爬坡時步伐會更短一些。
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About the Elphel Model 313 Reconfigurable Network Camera
There are many network cameras (cameras that can serve images/video without computer) on the market today. Some can provide high frame rate video, but limited to 705x480 pixels or less. There are even some high-resolution (megapixel) network cameras, but they usually need one second or longer to compress a full size image.
The Model 313 can do both. It is a 1.3 megapixel network camera and it can serve full size images really fast -- at 15 frames per second. High resolution may be very useful for security applications: for example, a single camera with a wide angle lens placed in the corner can see the whole room with the same quality as a narrow angle NTSC camera placed on a pan/tilt platform; and it can see it all at the same time, without any need of scanning.
Full resolution high frame rate even makes it possible not to use "digital pan-and-tilt" (sending out just a subwindow of the whole frame), the usual way to overcome the slow operation of high resolution network cameras.
The Model 313 camera is powered by 48VDC through the LAN cable, compliant to the IEEE 802.3af standard. This voltage makes possible to use four times longer cables to the camera than when using 24VDC power, and 16 times longer than 12VDC. Such lower voltages (not IEEE 802.3af compliant) are still used in some powered-over-LAN cameras.
All of the camera's embedded software and FPGA bitstream are stored in the camera flash memory, which can be upgraded through the Internet. Unlike the very dangerous procedure of rewriting flash memory with BIOS in a PC (if it was a wrong file or the power went off during flashing, the motherboard will likely be wasted), the Model 313 camera uses an important feature of the Axis ETRAX100LX 32-bit CPU which has an internal bootloader from the LAN that does not depend on the current flash memory data, so it is always possible to start over again with camera software installation.
Another important feature for developers is that both the embedded software and FPGA hardware algorithms are open source. Four levels of customization of the camera are thereby possible . . .
- Modification of the user interface using web design tools -- The camera has three file systems that makes it easy and safe to modify preinstalled web pages and be able to restore everything back if something went wrong.
- Applications written in C -- It is possible to compile C code on a computer running Linux after installing software from the downloads page (and links from there). The executable file may be transferred to the camera using ftp to RAM disk or a flash memory file system (jffs). That user application may have CGI interface, and can respond to http requests from the web browser.
- Adding (or modifying) drivers to the camera operating system -- This will require building the new OS kernel and there are two ways to try it on the camera: boot the camera from the LAN with the new kernel (it will not change anything in the camera flash memory, so just turning it off and back on will restore initial software); or flashing it instead of original one (in that case, after power cycling camera will always boot with the new system).
- FPGA modification that gives full control over the power of the reconfigurable computing in the camera -- This level requires different tools: FPGA development software from Xilinx (free for download available), and the camera sources posted on Elphel's website.